LittleLion Dance Theatre is presenting A-do-le-TA! a dance theatre piece that joyously explores friendship and plays for children aged 3 – 6. This is Little Lion Dance’s first full production and is funded by Arts Council’s Dance Project Award and supported by Dance Ireland, Draíocht and Riverbank.

In collaboration with a team consisting of dancers, designers, a musician and a dramaturg A-do-le-TA! will be staged at Draíocht, Blanchardstown on the 29th and 30th May as part of their Toddlers Take Over event and on 27th & 28th September at Riverbank, Newbridge, Co. Kildare. 

A highly imaginative and slightly abstract piece, A-do-le-TA! shows a day in the life of two friends. Come with Joy and Sky into a world where everything is possible – a tent can be a crab, an umbrella can be a cloud and the moon can sing! Through play two friends overcome differences and together imagine, create and expand their reality and yours.

Little Lion Dance Theatre is directed by Selma Daniel, a Brazilian choreographer based in Ireland with over 20 year’s experience in Dance. The team behind this show includes costume designer Sabine Dargent, dramaturg Raymond Keane, dancers/collaborators Sarah Ryan and Deirdre Griffin, composer/performer Paj Groenland and light designer Sebastian Pizarro.

More info: What’s On Dance Ireland



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