LittleLion Dance Theatre is a dance theatre company dedicated to produces meaningful and innovative dance pieces and performing for young audiences and families. As movement is the first language in dance theatre, LittleLion aims to take children out of the everyday world into the abstract world of the senses. Encourage children to expand their imagination by making boundless stories of their own. We believe that imagination pushes boundaries and expand children's perception o self and the world around them.

Little Lion Dance Theatre is directed by Selma Daniel, a Brazilian choreographer based in Ireland with over 21 year’s experience in dance performance, choreography and education.

My vision as a choreographer is to create ambiguous and exciting, original, creative, visually striking dance theatre performances where dance is at the forefront, supported by colourful props, costumes, original music and design. To focus on the creative aspect as a whole, always aimed at my specific audience of young people and families.”

Selma Daniel


is also part of our work, we delivery workshops of 'Creative Dance' and 'Afro-Brazilian Dance Workshop' to children of all ages, from toddlers and their companions to teens.

Dance in cognitive context can contribute to the improvement of basic skills, the fundamental movement patterns and the development of human potentialities and their relation to the world.

Through actions that involve dance and movement, the learning process takes place in a direct and intimate way, as the child assimilates information kineaesthicially, with the body, mind and spirit.