A a poetic dance theatre performance with adults and children that celebrates the diversity of the modern family.
Autumn Tour:
29 Oct, Solstice Arts Centre | 2 Nov, Linenhall Arts Centre | 9 Nov Draíocht

Families come in all shapes and sizes.
Whether you have one parent, two moms, two dads, a mom and a dad, or another wonderful caregiver, there is one thing that makes EVERY family a family…
and that is LOVE!

Paper Plane celebrates this diversity and the different “shapes” that families make in their own lives.

With original music/sound scape and a highly visual set design, Paper Plane is a poetic 45 minute dance theatre performance with 4 adults and 2 children portraying modern families, sharing true stories from a child’s perspective, embodying trust and care, commitment and friendship, it is about LOVE and hard work.

With some simple tucks and folds a paper plane appears.
Floating, diving and skimming through the air.
Not every plane will be the same just as not every flight it takes will be the same.

Selma Daniel Choreographer/Director of LittleLion Dance Theatre wants to encourage awareness and acceptance of “non-traditional” families, to celebrate the diversity of families and encourage acceptance and inclusion in children’s and adults’ relationships.

“There are two things parents should give their children roots and wings. Roots to give them bearing and a sense of belonging, but also wings to help free them from constraints and prejudices and give them other ways to travel.”
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.


Solstice Arts Centre, Meath
Friday 29th of October, 2021, 7pm
Tickets: Concession €5 / Full €8
For further information on performances and to book:
W: solsticeartscentre.ie | T:+353 (0)46 909 2300

Linenhall Arts Centre, Mayo
Tuesday 2 November, 2021,  10:15am & 12:15pm
For further information on performances and to book:
W: www.thelinenhall.com | T: 094 902 3733

Draíocht Studio, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15
Tuesday 9 November, 2021, 10:15am & 12:15pm
Tickets: €5 for children and €7 for adults
W: www.draiocht.ie  | T:01 885 2622 

The Team 

Choreography and Concept: Selma Daniel
Dancers/Collaborators: Vitor Bassi, Cris Dirocie, Millie Daniel-Dempsy, Simone O’Toole, Annajulia Pastore and Zack Daniel
Set design: Set Square | Light designer: Sebastian Pizzarro | Costume Designer: Laura Fajardo Castro | Sound designer: Andre Antunes
Production Manager: George Bernard Gallagher | Producer: Sophie Coote| Photography & Graphic Design Ste Murray

Selma Daniel is an Associate Artist of Solstice Arts Centre.
Paper Plane has been funded by the 
Arts Council of Ireland’s YPCE Project Award 2020; the work has been supported by Fingal County Council, Solstice Arts Centre and a Residency Partnership with Dance Ireland. 

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